Advanced tab

In this tab you can modify the advanced settings of WinContig.

Descriptions of the options

Option Description
Defragmentation engine This option enables you to set the behavior of the defragmentation engine of WinContig. This also affects the time taken to complete a defragmentation stop request.

The following options are available:

  • Performance: The defragmentation engine prioritizes performance. If you select this option and the defragmentation engine is in the middle of a large move request, it may take a long time to stop a defragmentation session.
  • Balanced: The defragmentation engine balances performance and responsiveness, so that it takes only few seconds to stop a defragmentation session.
  • Responsive: The defragmentation engine prioritizes responsiveness, so that a defragmentation stop request completes almost instantly.

Disk media type detection

In this section you can manually override the automatic detection of the media type that is associated with a physical disk. For example, if a Solid State Drive (SSD) is incorrectly detected as a mechanical hard drive (HDD), here you can instruct WinContig that that particular disk is an SSD.

The volume list shows all the volumes currently detected in the system. Perform one of the following actions to manually specify the media type for a volume:

  • Select a volume to mark it as an SSD.
  • Deselect a volume to mark it as an HDD.
To enable again the automatic detection of the media type of a volume, double click on it.

Descriptions of the columns in the volume list

The volume list has the following columns:

Column Description
Volume Displays the label of the volume. If the volume has no label, the displayed name is the default volume label (for example, Local Disk).

The checkbox next to the volume icon allows you to select or deselect the volume, in order to manually mark it as an SSD or an HDD.

The checkbox can have the following states:

The volume is automatically detected or manually marked as an SSD.
The volume is automatically detected or manually marked as an HDD.
Media type Displays the media type that is associated with the volume.
Detection Displays the method used to detect the media type that is associated with the volume.
File system Displays the file system of the volume.
Total size Displays the capacity of the volume.

Folders on NTFS file system volumes

Option Description
Analyze and defragment folder entries on NTFS file system volumes Internally, NTFS treats folders as a special type of file. This option enables you to analyze and defragment folder entries stored on NTFS file system volumes.

See also